Super Star Trek

A faithful conversion to Perl and LUA of the original 1978 BASIC code of SuperStarTrek by Bob Leedom/David Ahl

The original BASIC code was published in the book BASIC COMPUTER GAMES - Microcomputer Edition.

If you want to know more about this game, its history and how to play it, have a look at Rediscovering the 1978 text-only Super Star Trek Game, an article I recently wrote for GamesNostalgia. It's fun, believe me! If you have already read it, or you don't care, and just want to download the game, this is the right place.

If you want to play it, I prepared a small package for Windows, that includes LUA. Download the ZIP below, extract it and launch the BAT to play the game. A Mac version will follow soon.

Download Super Star Trek for Windows

If you are a developer, you will probably prefer to get the code from my GitHub page. On GitHub you will find the Perl version, the 100% accurate LUA version and the enhanced version that I called the "TOS" version.

How to run the game from source code

If you are on Mac, it's very easy, Perl is installed in all MacOS versions. Download the source code from GitHub page. Just save the file in a folder (eg. Desktop) then open the Mac Terminal. Once you are in, type cd 'yourfolder' (eg. cd Desktop), then launch the game with perl

If you already have LUA installed, or you are willing to install it, you can run one of the two LUA versions in the same way (running lua superstartrek.lua).

If you are on Windows, same story, but in this case you will have to install either LUA or Perl, because they are not installed by default. Or you can download the ZIP file using the button above (which already includes LUA).

Live long and prosper!